You know that feeling when you find fake hair and or someone else's hat and put it on. The exciting pleasure of showing others. The fun of hiding yourself.
We will spend three days exploring the creation and play of character through costumes and the audience.
The pleasure of dressing up and pretending to be someone else. Of discovering new worlds and dreams.
The somewhat core interest of an actor/per’form’er is taking on another ‘form’. To shape shift. The love of creating other worlds and being someone else for a moment.
We will explore how to create characters. Through our bodies, through costumes, through play and improvisation. Discovering the world of the characters through the audience and our fun. Looking to bring to life rich characters that live in the minds of the audience. Letting the audience dream around our world.
This work shop is aimed for performers and people interesting in developing their stage skills or discovering something new.
We will dress up, play and try out a lot in a safe and fun group environment.
Technical info
The work shop is a three day workshop, With proposed times of 10:00 until 17:00. With suitable breaks for tea and lunch.
It will be held in English
There are 10 places available on the workshop.
Please bring cloths comfortable to move in.
Before the workshop please prepare and bring a costume. Look for a way to disguise yourself. Hide yourself. When you walk into a room of friends they are not sure it its you. Dress as something else. Someone else. Something you wouldn't normally wear. But most of all find something that when you put it on you feel excited. You want to show people.
We will not only be using your costumes but also try many others. So please bring other costumes that you have. Particularly if you have wigs, hats, glasses and accessories.
I will bring what i have and together we will make a big mountain of possible characters.
Contact Richard with Questions and more info about arranging a workshop.