Sep 1, 20201 minThe 1st ever Male Idiot WorkshopIt happened fianly. Me and Thilo. did it. We hosted a space exploring being a man through play. Moving Playfully through themes of shame...
Aug 1, 20201 minFull Masks exploration weekendOn Gut Alaune we got together to explore mask making. A glorious way to spend a summer weekend with friends of old and new with the clay...
Oct 29, 20191 minAwareness of the idiot RetreatWeekend workshop retreat in the wonderful Zebra Kagel near to Berlin
Dec 31, 20181 minMaskaskaWe made a 1 week residency in Härz creating a mask music comedy band. Which now waits for its future calling.
Jun 21, 20181 minOn their wayWe premiered our new mask walk about 'On Their Way' with Anita Gröbl in Winchester hat fair where we (with Barada street) have been...
Apr 19, 20181 minAwareness of the idiot tripple wammyAn incredible month where i got to play with all these beautiful souls putting their vulnerability in the spot light. What a pleasure!
Jun 29, 20161 minHow to be a clownThe lovely folk at Nomadways set up this three week training into the simple theatre clown!