This is an official invitation for the...
Gut Alaune - Festival From The Playns - 4 !
4th - 5th September 2021
You are receiving this information as an official invitation to the forth Gut Alaune Festival From the Playns.
We are very very excited to bring the festival back to life after a hard year of little to no gatherings or collective celebration in art.
The festival core is a wish to bring moments of collective connection and presents through Performance, Music, Film and Food. Celebrating through dancing together, through working together, through laughing together, through sharing the work of artists/performers/musicians/clowns/and creative humans with our local community/network/friends/family.
Gut Alaune is a five year old community project.
Building our way up to be a space for creating and realising creative dreams.
See more about our project here.
‘From The Playns’ is Richard's creative exploration through performance, workshops and events. Check it out here.
Details on the festival and how to buy tickets are further down this page!
The festival 2021 format
About the 2021 Festival
Last year we cancelled the festival due to Covid pandemic. Then we decided to make a tiny version around the rules of the time of being able to meet with 50 people outdoors. So we did a private event with mainly the crew and close circles of Gut Alaune. We had a lot less artists, less visitors and less organisation. It was very beautiful.
With everybody who arrived we shared all the tasks of the festival. Cooking, cleaning, building up, taking down. It was very swift and wonderful bringing us more space in between, more time to be and to share.
This year we will hold a similar format.
We have decided to hold the number around 100-130 people. All welcome to stay on alaune. And these hundred people will set up, run and take down the festival together, more or less.
There will be less artists invited and more space for us, you, we to take the stage and share what you wish. Open stages, games and fun. So if you have something you wish to share, bring it with you.
We wish to blur the lines of Audience, Artist, Crew and Organiser. Whilst holding a frame work I believe in.
And we, me, you and all the others will do it together, run it together, take responsibility for it together. There will be no crew because you will all be crew so there is only crew! know what I mean??
Now how to make a festival for 100 people here?
Well i will still organise and program the event.
and i need your help to build it up, run it and build it down.
We need people to come and we need Artists to play.
Along with of course needing money to make it possible.
We need people to come early and stay later to create it and organise it together.
The beautiful thing with sharing responsibility amongst us is that we have less responsibility and everyone can be free to enjoy the festival as much as possible in knowing the task they care for.
Now, of course not everyone will take equal responsibility. Some people will need to co-ordinate.
But every level is as important as the other, as the festival cannot run well without it. The range in responsibility and time people put in will also be reflected in costs and enjoying the time here.
So this year comes with a bigger commitment for some of you. And a smaller for others. A commitment to whatever ticket you choose.
Following you will find the ticket options.
There are limited spaces so be fast to let me know what you wish to sign up for.
It may seem a little complicated at first but after living and working in groups for a long time I realise a good structure gives a lot of freedom!
And it helps me to visualise things. :P
Ticket options, Costs, Rolls and Responsabilities
These are the different rolls at the festival.
The red ones are available for you to book.
The Head - 0
Is the planning and organisation team that will hold the space for the festival.
The Heart - 20 Euros
Those who come for the whole time and help with the creation and co-ordination of eating and drinking. Building up the space and building down. Its good if you already have some contact or experience in the festival and Gut Alaune for this position.
The Hands - 30 Euros
The same as the heart but not in for build down.
The Tail - 40 Euros
The same as the Heart but not for build up.
The Body - 60 Euros
Coming just for the festival days. Support rolls for the Above. Helping prepare food, Chopping, Serving, Bar shifts, Washing, Cleaning. When you arrive and Check in you will be asked to sign up for a responsibility and introduced to your co-ordinator. (Half body possible if you can only make one day 30 Euros)
The Soul - 0 Euros
is the artists / performers and musicians i have invited to come and play for us. They will also be asked to take on Body responsibilities.
The Eyes - Suggested donation
are the neighbours and locals who pass by and don’t really find themselves in our system.
2021 Program
10:00 Starting the build up party with Brains, Hands and Hearts.
17:00 Gates open for Body and Tails.
21:00 Addlipps - Hip Hop
21:30 Robo rabbits force of habit. - Music Concert
22:15 Jam session / open mic.
09:00 Breakfast
12:00 Welcome games and Orga
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Elaboe - Circus / Acrobatic
15:45 Simon & Mark - Juggling
16:00 Openstage - you?
17:00 Three Corbies - Folk Electronic Trio
18:00 Food
20:00 Barada Street - Music, Acro, Comedy
21:00 Renagade - Chaotic show of challenges and randomness
22:00 Frohe Zukunft - Brass Band
23:00-01:00 Dance
9:30 Breakfast
11:30 Podcasts
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Labaaz - Clown
15:45 Open Stage - you?
17:00 BowHaus - Music
17:45 Food
19:30 Perperuna - Polyphonic Choir
20:30 Masks of Linity - Theatre
22:00 Film Alexej & Anton Hermann
Big Changes to this years festival
Food is included in the ticket price!! (as you will support to prepare it) But you will still need cash for the bar.
This years festival will be for around 130 people this year.
Accommodation Things
As we are not getting too big this year. Everyone is welcome to come and camp here. There is flowing water, in the forms of taps/outdoor shower and the river Saale 2mins walk away.
Compost toilets are on sight.
There is a lack of shade on Gut Alaune so it is also recommended to bring sun protection.
Money things
Where does the money go?
The Festival is funded from all of our pockets and time.
We wish to hold a space for celebration and enjoying through the stage and togetherness. We are not in it to make money.
The money goes towards our food, the infrastructure and the artists.
I want to support the artists, their art and their way as much as possible. We ask a donation in form of these ticket prices to share the festival costs and make this event possible together.
Any profit from the costs go straight into support the Gut Alaune project on its way to hosting more events like this. Any further donations to the project are very welcome.
How to get your tickets?
There is a limitation on tickets available so get them fast.
By emailing
Full name.
How this invitation reached you.
Amount of tickets wished for.
of which position.
Any any other questions.
You will then receive how to make full payment. If tickets are available. After which you will receive a ticket confirmation.
The tickets are only half refundable 2 weeks prior to the event. Unless act of God or Corona doesn't let us do it. Then we will refund.
Under 16 years are free.
Corona Things
As we all know very well their are rules and restriction out in the world. To help prevent the spread of the virus. We ask everyone to arrive with a negative test result or be fully fully vaccinated.
Travel Things
Will be given once you have booked your ticket.
Other Things
You are invited to enjoy the festivities at Gut Alaune which is also family living space. We ask everyone to come with an engagement to care and help for each other and the space. Thus creating a beautiful event together. Abusive behaviour to each other, the space or oneself, will not be tolerated.
We hope for as glorious weather as last year. But in case of bad weather, We have limited rain protection. And continue the program as much as possible. Tickets are non bad weather refundable.
This is a private event which donating through the tickets you agree to the terms and conditions.
Gut Alaune, From The Playns and the individual artists hold no responsibility for personal injury or loss of personal valuables. On or off the site. We are all responsible for ourselves and each other.
Thank you for your understanding
We look most forward to celebrate with you.
Richard and all at Gut Alaune