A Ridiculous Tragedy
By Richard Kimberley
Inspired by The Male Idiot
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"Jimmy" is a tour de force of physicality.
In his ground-breaking one-man show, Richard Kimberley dissects modern masculinity with his astute mastery of posture, movement, and character. Rarely does one witness such a formidable, candid display of a single person's vulnerability on stage. Do not miss out on this extraordinary theatrical feat."
Peter Graff, Artistic Director, American Improv, Vienna, Austria
Laugh and cry at the ridiculousness of it all, as our young hero goes in search of understanding what it means to be leaving boyhood behind to become a man.
Through physical theatre, pantomime, clown, improvisation and playing with the tragic themes of a patriarchal society, hidden grief, roots of toxic behaviour, shame, initiation and male mentorship, JIMMY’s journey invites to dismantle and reflect.
Come and join him setting foot on complex grounds and trying to figure things out. Let’s laugh, cry, be confused and amused in this intimate and comically serious show.
Through developing THE MALE IDIOT, a self-growth play workshop for men, Richard noticed the collective nature of wounds the participants shared about and played through.
In the workshop participants discover exaggerated characters to play out their individual connection to masculinity, gaining awareness of how it effects them and those around them and step towards taking responsibility of it. Ridiculous roles appear that carry tragedy and are ultimately not sustainable. After some workshops the similarities of the forms and stories being presented revealed a collective nature.
Inspired by this fun way to play and process tragic themes, Richard started a personal mentorship and reflective process towards this show guided by Giovanni Fusetti. With the 2021 research project “The Masks and Me” he was playing and exploring through his personal roles into the collective ones. Though this journey is continuous, out of this “Jimmy” was being created, a tragic comedy opening discussions about masculinity and calling for personal responsibility.

Gut alaune Festival Aug 2021 - (Work in Progress). // Paradise - Fail Festival - June 2022 Germany - (Work in Progress) // Theater Ole Vienna Feb 2023 - (Work in Progress) // WUK Theater Quartier Halle Saale 21+22 April 2023 - (Premier) // Expedition Metropolis Berlin 23 April 2023 // Katapult Berlin May 5 2023 // Theater Ole Vienna 23 + 24 June 2023 // Gut Alaune Fest 20 Aug 2023
